Community Health Coaching
Integrated Care's Community Health Coaching program (CHC) is designed to empower individuals with chronic conditions to better manage their care and improve their quality of life, through the assistance of a Health Coach.
The Community Health Coach conducts a thorough Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) assessment of client's needs and assists client by coordinating resources and providing tools to address factors which may be prohibiting them from managing health conditions.

Connect to community resources
Address health risk factors which are occuring in the home
Coordination with healthcare providers
Learn goal-setting, problem-solving, and how to overcome barriers
Education on tools to better manage symptoms
Develop action plans to improve health
Reduce healthcare expenditures.
Goals of Program:
- Coordination and linkages: help client’s address social risk factors ie food, health education, access to resources, coordination with services (transportation, appointments)
- Health and wellness coaching: Greater confidence in making informed decisions, enhanced problem-solving and goal-setting skills, and motivation to better manage health.
- Help clients avoid re-admission to acute care
- Coordinate with clinical health care:
- Providers receive regular Progress Updates.
- Health Coach assists client in scheduling, arranging transportation, and preparing for clinical appointments
- Participants have known Social Determinant of Health needs OR
- Participants have 2 or more chronic conditions
- Current health insurance plans accepted:
- Independent Health Medicare Advantage Plans
Referrals / More information: