Healthy IDEAS Program

Integrated Care's regional network of social care agencies deliver this evidence-based program that integrates depression awareness and management with health coaching.


        Healthy IDEAS Program:

  • Participants are assigned a certified Healthy IDEAS Coach to work with them over 3-12 months.
Screening: Health Coach will ask questions to understand the individual’s needs and what is important to them with a focus on their mental health.
Education: Health Coach will provide education, resources, and tools to help manage and improve quality of life.
 Linkages: Health Coach will help link to health care providers, mental health programs, and resources.  Referring providers receive regular Progress Reports.
Empower: Health Coach will work with individual to accomplish goals meaningful to them.


        Healthy IDEAS Outcomes:

  • Fewer symptoms of social isolation and depression
  • Decreased physical pain
  • Better ability to recognize and self-treat symptoms
  • Improved well-being through achievement of personal goals


  • Currently accepting any person in the 14 counties of WNY through a grant from Health Foundation of Western and Central New York.
  • Also available to following health insurance plan members:
    • Independent Health Medicare Advantage plans
    • iCircle Medicaid Managed Care Plans

Referrals / More Information:

Contact Integrated Care